Articles for tag: Pvc Pipe

How to Build a Homemade Plastic Pipe Flute

Are you a musician? I used to be, when I had more time to devote to music. Many people play the flute, and this homemade one is easier to play than you might think. It’s also very easy to make. This flute intrigued me, so I just had to build one and learn how to ...

Karla News

How to Create a Professional Fireworks Experience at Home

We have all most likely visited a professional fireworks display at some point in our lives. We have marveled at the brilliant, seemingly endless flashing lights in the sky timed to a medley of patriotic music. The problems with this otherwise rapturous experience are, sadly, numerous. First, you have to drive to the park or ...

Karla News

How to Checkerboard Cut Your Lawn, Just like Yankee Stadium

If you’ve ever turned on a baseball game and been amazed by the beautiful checkerboard field of lawn, you are not alone. Many people each summer spend week after week criss-cross cutting their lawn in hopes of duplicating that “Yankee Stadium” look. Well, don’t let another summer lawn cutting season pass in vain. This year, ...

Make a Six Foot Paper Mache Volcano

As part of a children’s ministry production crew, I’ve been involved in lots of creative projects. One that really seemed to please the crowd was this humongous prop. Here’s how to make a six foot paper mache volcano. You will need to take a trip to a home improvement store for the supplies. I didn’t ...

Karla News

Build an Outdoor Foot Rest with PVC Pipe

Are you short on cash but long for a new foot rest to use with your lawn chair? If so, you may want to consider creating one out of PVC pipe. I learned how to create one from my father years ago. Based on that experience, I can tell you that it is not that ...

Karla News

How to Build a Low Cost Sukkah

With the Jewish holidays close at hand, many of us are getting ready for Sukkot. This is one of my favorite holidays. Eating outdoors in the sukkah is fun. My kids really enjoy it too. You can spend a fortune on a pre-made sukkah or build one yourself. Here are some ideas for building a ...

Karla News

Dog Agility: Fun Training Equipment That’s Easy to Build

Looking for a way to spend time with your dog that’s more interesting that just wandering around the park? Try setting up some dog agility equipment in your backyard. Agility training involves teaching dogs to surmount obstacles that the dogs jump over or through, climb, or walk a specific path through. There are types of ...

Karla News

Door Knob Problems: The Hole is the Wrong Size!

One nice way to update your home is to replace door knob fixtures on interior doors. You can usually find high quality door knobs, both with locks and without at your local home improvement store. It’ll really update your home to replace these fixtures. However you may run into a snag, the size of the ...

Karla News

DIY: Build Your Own PVC Fence Sections

I recently went on a picnic with a good friend. She had a new puppy which was full of energy. I watched her attempt to set up a commercial puppy pen. I asked her how much it cost; I nearly choked on my sandwich. Since the pen was still new, and no matter how hard ...