Articles for tag: How to Prune, Hydrangeas, Pruning Shears

Karla News

How to Prune Hydrangeas

(n.) A genus of shrubby plants bearing opposite leaves and large heads of showy flowers, white, or of various colors. H. hortensis, the common garden species, is a native of China or Japan. ( Identifying what types of hydrangeas beautify your yard, along with knowledge of its growing habits, will ensure you are utilizing the ...

Karla News

Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs

It was brought home to me one afternoon as I looked out my bedroom window to see if I could find any flower buds on my magnolia campbellii that bloomed so heavily last year. I saw no newer buds but I did notice some of my other plants were taking up much more space than ...

Karla News

How to Propagate Holly from Stem Cuttings

There are over 400 types of holly. Some grow as a small 3-foot shrub, while others can grow to 50 feet in height. The dark green leaves feel like leather and they have spines. The white flowers often produce crimson berries, although there are some varieties that have yellow or orange berries. It is possible ...

Karla News

The Roles of Antioxidants and Free Radicals

We hear about antioxidants constantly and know they have health benefits, but what are antioxidants? Simply said, antioxidants are chemicals that reduce oxidative damage to cells and biomolecules. A better way to explain the benefits of antioxidants is to describe what happens without them. When an apple is sliced and turns brown in a short ...

Karla News

The Essential List of Hand Garden Tools

I have been a gardener for years and one thing I have learned is it pays to have the right hand garden tool for the right job. The correct hand garden tool for a specific gardening job can mean the difference between that task being an easy one or a hard one. Not only do ...

Karla News

Hydrangea Care, Pruning & Propagation

The beautiful hydrangea is one flowering bush that generates many questions, some gardener’s have great success growing hydrangeas, while others struggle just to keep their hydrangea alive. I was in the latter group for years, actually killing a few hydrangeas along the way with trial and error gardening methods. My neighbor gave me a small ...

Karla News

How to Propagate Bougainvillea from Cuttings

Bougainvillea is hardy in the U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 9 or higher. Although I live in zone 4, I can still grow this beautiful vining plant as a houseplant. A friend of mine has a Bougainvillea growing, so one day I took several cuttings to start one for myself. Here are the directions so ...