Articles for tag: Jason Sudeikis, Professor X

Karla News

Funny Quotes from Horrible Bosses Movie

“Horrible Bosses” is a comedy starring Jason Bateman as “Nick”, Charlie Day as “Dale”, and Jason Sudeikis as “Kurt”. The three decide that their bosses are so horrible that they are going to kill them. Fire Professor Xavier Quote Colin Farrell as Bobby: You can fire Professor Xavier. Jason Sudeikis as Kurt: You mean Hank? ...

Karla News

Marvel’s Classification of Mutants

In 2003 Marvel Comics had a storyline where several experts on mutants met in London. One of the things that the experts talked about was a classification system for mutants. Here is a look at the different classifications and a few examples of the mutants that fall into that class. Alpha Mutants The Alpha Mutants ...

Karla News

Top 10 Villains (Marvel Universe)

What is a hero? Some would answer this question by defining a hero by their powers, their motto, or their mantra. But ultimately, a hero can’t exist without a villain. Without villains, we wouldn’t get the epic fights and heart breaking story lines in some of our favorite comic books. It takes the villains standing ...

Karla News

Marvel Comics 101: Alternate Earths

Many things in comic books are difficult to understand. Some super heroes have some very hard to explain super powers. Other super heroes time travel so much that it makes your head hurt. Today I will try and help you to understand the most confusing part of comics, Marvel Comics’ alternate universes. Marvel Comics has ...