Articles for tag: Product Placement

Karla News

Effects of Advertising on Children

Background “Advertising plays an important role in society. It equally goes hand in hand with special responsibilities. We recognize that our responsibility and commitment is especially important for advertising to children of all ages (Responsible).” In spite of this common concern of advertising’s effect on children, around the world, journals, committees, and scientists are suggesting ...

Karla News

Revolver (2005) – a Movie Review

Revolver is a crime drama written and directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie stars Jason Stratham as Jake Green, an ex-convict who decides to get revenge on his ex-boss Macha, played by Ray Liotta. On his quest for revenge, Jake Green gets swept up in a game with two other con-artists Zach and Avi. Warning: ...

Karla News

Brand Analysis Report for Pampers Diapers

Background Pampers is a brand that belongs to Proctor and Gamble. This brand was discovered in the 1950’s by a chemical engineer of P&G; named Victor Mills. Victor discovered Pampers while trying to find a better way to diaper his grandson. The audience for Pampers is targeted toward parents and healthcare professionals of babies and ...

Karla News

Obvious Product Placement in Movies

Product Placement in films is highly commonplace nowadays. The consumer society that we are, we are familiar with casually displayed products like soda cans, computer brand names, cars, trucks, toys, books, etc. Never completely hidden, this merchandise is only slightly obscured so as to not be 100% obvious, but clear enough that we subconsciously render ...