Articles for tag: Antibiotic Use, Digestive Enzymes, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Probiotic Supplements

Learn How to Heal Leaky Gut Naturally

In a person with leaky gut, the stomach lining is more porous than it should be, allowing protein molecules to slip through the gut and enter the blood stream where it causes an autoimmune response. People with leaky gut often experience chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, cramping, brain fog and poor food absorption. Leaky gut ...

Karla News

Quick Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis

Have you noticed the telltale fishy smell and now you’re seeking quick cures for Bacterial Vaginosis? That can be eliminated in 1 day depending on how severe your symptoms are. To completely eliminate the bacteria from your system, well that could take about 3 days for your body to be in a normal state again. ...

Health Benefits of Brewer’s Yeast!!!

Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is included in a class of probiotics or biotherapeutic agents defined as “live microbial supplements,” which beneficially affect a host by improving its natural microbial balance. Brewer’s yeast is produced as a byproduct of beer-brewing, using an extract of grains and hops. Other agents in the probiotic class include lactobacilli (found ...

Karla News

Keeping Pigeons as Pets

Though pigeons are often frowned upon in North America and western Europe as “flying rats,” or, in general, seen as vermin, many people throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world commonly raise pigeons and doves as pets. Dating back to ancient times, pigeons have primarily been kept for companionship, correspondence, and food, ...