Articles for tag: Pigs, Potbellied Pigs, Prevent Sunburn

Karla News

Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs as Pets

In the 1980’s Vietnamese potbellied pigs were introduced into the United States from Canada. This started a new craze and breeders began appearing everywhere offering these pigs as pets. Vietnamese potbellied pigs are very intelligent creatures and can make excellent pets provided owners are prepared to care for their special needs. Considerations for Pet Owners ...

Karla News

Solutions for Summer Skin Problems

Summertime might be tons of fun, but it can wreak havoc on your skin. Extra heat and humidity can trap dirt and bacteria in the skin, causing acne and oiliness. Sunburns can be painful, and lead to skin cancer and premature aging. Makeup smears and sweats away. But you can relax, enjoy summer, and look ...

Karla News

Prevent Sunburn on Your White Cats

Just like fair-skinned people need to limit their exposure to the sun, or wear an adequate sunscreen for protection, white cats tend to have the same problem. Normally, the body part of a cat doesn’t suffer from overexposure to the sun. A cat’s fur helps to protect their skin from sunburn. Rather, it’s a white ...

Five Great Summer Bathing Suit Cover Ups

Beach season is upon us, and woman will be donning bathing suits for their vacations and weekend pursuits. However, to hide figures and to prevent sunburn, many people will opt to wear a bathing suit cover up. Below is a list of the five top bathing suit cover-ups that you should consider for your trip ...

Karla News

All About Gypsy Moths

I remember the summer quite clearly, though I don’t remember how old I was at the time. What I remember was that I had to wear a hat outside almost everyday when I went out to play. Though hats are always a good idea to prevent sunburn, back then I wore one for a completely ...

Karla News

Sunburned Lips: The Lessons I Learned

Sunburned Lips are a painful ordeal, trust me, I know. I am suffering with it as we speak. This is the first sunburn I have ever had in my whole life, and boy, is it a doosey! Although the fact that my lips are swollen and very painful, and finding a quick cure has been ...