Articles for tag: Ascorbic Acid, Premenopause, Vitamin C

The Benefits of Vitamin C for Women

Your mother or someone back when you were a young girl probably told you that you need to drink your orange juice to get your vitamin C. That person might even have told you that vitamin C would help keep you from getting colds. Now that you are a woman, you probably don’t want to ...

Rare and Strange Diseases

Even though science has made many helpful discoveries in the field of medicine, there are still many rare and strange diseases that doctors do not know the cause of, and cannot treat satisfactorily. One such disease is Human Werewolf Syndrome, also known as Hypertrichosis. This disease is so rare that there have only been 50 ...

Women’s Health – What is Perimenopause?

It’s common to hear woman talk about ‘going through menopause’, but the truth is that menopause itself begins the day that you have gone 12 months without a period. The time leading up to menopause is called perimenopause (or sometimes premenopause) and it can start in women as young as 30. What are some of ...

Menopause 101: Simple Answers to Basic Questions

1) What is menopause? Menopause is the final and irreversible termination of menstruation (aka menses, monthly periods). Menopause normally begins 12 months after the final menstruation. 2) What is perimenopause? Perimenopause (aka premenopause) is the transition period leading up to menopause. The duration of this transition can range from 2-5 to as long as 10-15 ...