Articles for tag: Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Bed Rest, Preterm Labor

Karla News

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, my blood pressure was elevated and my weight gain was through the roof. The doctor was concerned that I may be suffering from preeclampsia, a deadly condition brought on by pregnancy. Luckily, my body chose to combat preeclampsia by pushing into preterm labor. Despite being given Breathene and Magnesium Sulfate, ...

Karla News

High Risk Pregnancy: You’ve Been Labeled. Now What?

You have heard what no pregnant woman wants to hear; your pregnancy has been labeled as high risk. Though the diagnosis is very scary, in the vast majority of cases, everything will turn out just fine. Once you have been given that disturbing label, it’s time to take stock and decide with your doctor’s help ...

How to Recognize and Treat Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a disorder that develops during pregnancy and affects somewhere around 8% of pregnant women. It has also been referred to as pregnancy-induced hypertension (or blood pressure), but one is only diagnosed with the disorder when she not only shows to have hypertension, but excess protein in the urine as well. Usually, preeclampsia comes ...