Articles for tag: Potty Chairs

Karla News

The 10 Steps of Introducing Potty-Training to Your Child

It is up to the parent to decide if potty-training will be a positive transition for their child or if it is going to be a miserable struggle. Before the idea is introduced and the panties/underwear are bought, it is important for the parent to be mentally and emotionally prepared for this transition. {See the ...

Karla News

Potty Chairs for Girls

There are many different potty chairs for girls on the market that are all great options depending on the style of learning that your little one has. From active potty seats to those that are more passive and allow you to do the motivation, the potty seat that you choose for your little girls is ...

Karla News

Potty Train Your Child in One Weekend

We potty trained our three year old in one weekend. How? A commitment to limiting our purchases of Pull-ups. As the cost of living has risen, our desire to cut corners and save every penny we could has increased. We were spending upwards of 56 dollars a month on Pull-ups, the buck had to stop ...

Karla News

Simple Tips for Keeping a Tidy House

With two small boys and a husband who is remodeling another home, there is always something on the floor, whether it’s dirt, dust or Legos. For a while, I despaired of ever having my house fit for visitors, and would look forward to the days my mother came to see me because I knew she’d ...