Articles for tag: Ceiling Tiles, Mastic, Popcorn Ceiling

DIY: All About Ceiling Tiles

In a garage or basement, standard acoustical ceiling tiles look wonderful. But what if you wanted a dimensional ceiling, one that has that old-world charm? How about one that resembles leather or wood? You can install any number of different tiles, from tin to glass on the ceiling. Install them on the ceiling, and also ...

Popcorn Ceiling Texture Removal

Being in the drywall and texture business for over 25 years, I’ve learned how to remove ceiling popcorn virtually dust-free. Although the mess seems to be a monumental undertaking, it too can be made quite simple. With the proper preparation you can cut the cleanup time by 3/4’s using the following steps. Preparation is key! ...

DIY Home Improvement: How to Patch a Plaster Ceiling

Learning how to patch a plaster ceiling can help you preserve the value and appearance of your home with just a little bit of DIY effort. Unlike the complex task of re-plastering a damaged plaster ceiling, patching a plaster ceiling is an easy afternoon project that even a home improvement novice can master. If the ...

Karla News

Cover Your Popcorn Ceiling with a Stomp Texture

A popcorn ceiling is a throwback ceiling texture from the 70’s to late 80’s when spray textures where all the rage. Tiny spheres of glitter where often injected into joint compound and shot out onto ceilings for that super 70’s disco ball look-all over the country. Often, these spheres where made from perlite and vermiculite, ...

Karla News

How to Remove an Acoustic Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings are one of the easiest renovations a home owner can do themselves. A popcorn ceiling is the type found in older homes that has a bumpy texture. It gets its name because it looks like popcorn which has been applied to the ceiling. Modern homes do not use this texture because it is ...

Karla News

Easy Steps for Covering a Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings are one of those things that you either really like or really dislike. If the latter is true, and you do not want to go through the extremely difficult and messy process of removing the popcorn, you will want to cover it instead. The following instructions will help guide you through the relatively ...

Karla News

DIY: How to Remove a Popcorn Ceiling

To attempt popcorn ceiling removal some safety precaution need to be taken into consideration first. One of these is that some textures that were used before the 1980s may contain asbestos, so it is a good idea before beginning to have a small amount of the ceiling texture tested prior to beginning your project, the ...

Karla News

How to Safely Remove Asbestos

Inhaling concentrated amounts of asbestos fibers can be deadly. That said, undisturbed asbestos is harmless and fire resistant. And since it’s generally made of minerals, it is naturally occurring in the air we breathe everyday. But what happens when you have a piece of your popcorn ceiling fall in? Or you need to remove an ...

Karla News

How to Texture Ceilings

I’ll always remember going to my maternal grandmother’s house. In the eyes of an eight year old, she had the PERFECT ceilings. She had popcorn ceiling with GLITTER in it. How cool was that? From an early age, I always wondered how to popcorn a ceiling. It’s not as difficult as you think. Here are ...

Karla News

How to Patch a Textured Wall

If you own an older home, you will likely come across the problem of how to patch a textured wall. Even a nail hole can become difficult to hide with simple spackle. Luckily, there are dry wall texture products specific to each type of texture and the size of the repair patch. Patching Small Holes ...