Articles for tag: Eating Insects, Fish Filters, Plants for Your Aquarium

Karla News

How to Care for Jack Dempsey Fish

The Jack Dempsey cichlid fish is named after boxing great Jack Dempsey due to it being an extremely strong and energetic fish. These fish are sought after by many aquarium enthusiasts because of their colorful scales and energetic nature. You are probably reading this to learn how to care for Jack Dempsey fish. It is ...

Karla News

Aggressive Freshwater Aquarium Fish

As anyone who knows me would tell you, I am an aquarium enthusiast. I have three aquariums currently and I would love to have more. Through my years of experience in the aquarium trade, I have developed a personal opinion about some of the popular aggressive fish on the market. I have had a lot ...

Karla News

Aquarium Plants – Real or Fake?

When setting up your aquarium, plants are a very important addition. Plants give fish places to seek shelter and solace. Also, if you have live bearing fish, plants give the babies a place to hide until they are large enough to enter the community. Plants also give the aquarium a more natural look. When choosing ...

Karla News

Ten Lower or Bottom Level Fish for Your Home Aquarium

When stocking your home aquarium, it is a good idea to include fish that swim at all water levels. Low level fish are often bottom feeders who help to clean up fallen food or algae. The following ten aquarium fish are recommended for populating the lower or bottom levels in your fish tank. Lower or ...