Articles for tag: Fishing Tackle, Fishing Tackle Boxes, Plano

Karla News

Five Cheap Fishing Tackle Boxes

Spinners, jigs, poppers, flies, and spoons; corks, bobbers, and floaters. No matter what names you assign to your fishing equipment, you likely keep all of your gear in a tackle box. Many avid fishermen even have two or three tackle boxes in the boat shed or garage! Extra money is tight for many people these ...

Karla News

The Best High School Football District in Texas

There are plenty of arguments over who is the best high school football team in Texas, but when it comes down to which district in Texas features the best football top to bottom, there may be no argument. District 9-5A, which covers schools in Collin County just north of Dallas, is home to no fewer ...

Plano Texas Hot Air Balloon Festival

Mom gripped my small hand and led me to the back door. Pointing up at the sky, in a cheerful tone, she said, “See all the balloons.” I gazed high above me at the sheer blue sky spotted with bright red, yellow, green, striped, and rainbow checkered hot air balloons. Although I must have only ...

Karla News

Top 5 Inexpensive Tackle Boxes

Probably one of the most important pieces of fishing equipment (aside from a rod and reel) that you will own is the tackle box. A good tackle box will keep your lures, line and equipment in order and out of harm’s way. However, tackle boxes can be expensive. As a cheap person by nature, I ...

Where to Volunteer in Plano, Texas

With the economy in a recession, non profit organizations need help now more then ever. If you have a few extra hours during the week or month, why not volunteer with a local organization in Plano? This article will detail a few places that need volunteers now in Plano, Texas. Where to Volunteer in Plano, ...