Articles for tag: Estrogen, Menopause Health Risks, Phytoestrogens

Karla News

Phytoestrogens, Phytohormones and Hormonal Modulation – Naturally

For women who suffer from PMS, perimenopause or even menopausal symptoms, the complications associated with irregular estrogen levels can render a woman unable to perform activities of daily living. For many women, the application of a proper diet, using foods that are known to possess properties known as “hormonal modulation”, can significantly reduce the complications ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Natural remedies for hot flashes are becoming more popular due to the increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer that researchers say can occur with the use of hormone replacement therapy. Natural remedies can significantly decrease hot flashes and night sweats, most without side effects or adverse reactions. As a woman who experienced surgical menopause ...

4 Natural Ways to Reduce the Size of Fibroids

Over the years, it has become obvious through the process of aging that one of the most important things in a person’s life is to make sure that he or she is in optimal shape to face all the situations that encountered in everyday life. One health problem that many women face today is fibroids. ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Lignans

There’s more and more evidence emerging that compounds found in plants play a role in disease prevention. The natural chemicals that plants produce to protect themselves against bacteria, fungi, and direct sunlight have been shown to have benefits in humans by acting as anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories, and immune stimulators. Among the thousands of phytonutrients already described ...

Sesame Seed, Calcium and Your Health

If the reader is familiar with the blood type diets, they know that different blood types require different foods. But, many overlook the differences in whole foods where vitamins and minerals are concerned. According to Eat Right 4 Your Type, blood type O requires more calcium than the other three. Calcium can be difficult to ...

Karla News

Are Soy Products Good or Bad?

You probably have heard of the many health benefits of soy over the past few years. Or maybe you have now heard that soy is bad? What is going on? Is it good or bad? What is a consumer to do? The Good Soybean products have been used by Asian cultures for thousands of years ...