Articles for tag: Phosphorous

Karla News

How to Repair Yellow Spots in Your Lawn

Sometimes, you may find yellow patches in the lawn. By determining what caused those yellow spots in the first place, you can start to reverse the damages for a beautiful lawn. Do you have pets or do you notice other animals coming into your yard and use your lawn for their bathroom. If the yellow ...

Karla News

How to Grow Big Onions

While growing small green onions or bunch onions can be easy for most folks, growing really big onions can be more of a challenge. Nothing tastes better than a big sweet onion cut in slices on a hamburger. Well, nothing except a big tomato, that is. The first step to growing a grapefruit-size onion is ...

Karla News

How to Decipher the Fertilizer Numbers

Fertilizer labels can be confusing and there are so many choices in the market today. They range from lawn fertilizers, bulb fertilizers, flower fertilizers, garden fertilizers and everything in between. Different plants have different nutritional needs and each soil is different. I would advise you to have your soil tested first, before you buy any ...

Nutritional Value in a Leg of Lamb

Leg of lamb can be a tasty alternative to beef and pork for those looking to cut down on those types of meat. A typical lamb leg consists of the shank and sirloin and you want to look for a lean cut with the fat trimmed to a fourth of an inch. Although lamb is ...

Karla News

Buyer’s Guide to the Top 3 Lawn Fertilizers

As the weather starts to get warmer outside, more people are beginning to maintain their yards. This is a list of the top 3 lawn fertilizers. There are 3 basic elements contained in lawn fertilizers, which are Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium. Nitrogen helps promote growth, while Potassium maintains healthy root growth. Potassium also enhances the ...

Karla News

Why Silicon Microchips Fail

Electron spectroscopy is now a growing area of use for surface analysis of most solids such as the silicon microchip. For most of them to do a specific function, there must be a charged surface. For that to be achieved, our company added a small amount of boron (B) and phosphorous (P) to certain regions ...

The Parathyroid Gland and How it Affects Our Health

The parathyroid gland consists of four interconnected parts, two on either side and directly behind the thyroid gland, and secretes the hormone parathormone. Parathormone regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorous in the bloodstream and controls the movement of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream. Parathormone has the following effects. 1. Promotes the active ...