Articles for tag: Cloudy Urine, Phosphates, Urine Color, Urine Therapy

Why is My Urine Cloudy and Other Colors?

Cloudy urine and other changing urine colors aren’t uncommon, and they can be scary. Urine is not supposed to be cloudy. It is supposed to be a light clear yellow – not a bright yellow, but a pale yellow or even paler shade. You can tell a lot about what’s going on with your body ...

Karla News

Five Green Dishwasher Detergents that Just Don’t Work

Going green isn’t always a smooth transition. Take automatic dishwasher detergent for example. The public just recently became aware of the damage the phosphates in detergents do to the environment. It’s great that the publicity spawned a green revolution in detergent, but the change is still relatively new. And some companies are still working out ...

Karla News

How Cultural Eutrophication is Impacting Vital Natural Resources

Cultural eutrophication is an accelerated process of nutrient and sediment concentration in a body of water caused by excessive human activity. (Kaufman and Franz, 1993, G-5). Cultural eutrophication is a problems because it degrades the fitness of the water source to support life both within the source’s ecosystem, and life outside the source’s boundaries that ...

Karla News

Seventh Generation Dishwashing Gel Vs. Palmolive Dishwashing Gel

As I become more environmentally conscientious, I am continually looking for alternative cleaning supplies that will be gentle on our planet and my family’s welfare. I came across a product called Seventh Generation. After hearing about Seventh Generation products from the Oprah Winfrey Show and how they are a socially responsible company, I decided the ...

Karla News

Green Cleaning Products – What Are Phosphates?

Phosphates are naturally occurring and important to nature. The problem is, we humans are allowing far too many phosphates into the environment. Phosphates are used in animal feeds and fertilizers so the agricultural industry is responsible for a large proportion of the phosphates which enter our ecosystem. But, if you’re thinking us mere mortals cannot ...

Glomerulonephritis Kidney Disease Explained

Glomerulonephritis is a serious and chronic kidney disease in which the glomeruli of the kidneys become inflamed. The glomeruli plays a role along with the nephrons, to remove wastes from the blood. The exact cause of glomerulonephritis is not exactly known, but the immune system, some researchers feel, can play a role in the destruction ...

Karla News

4 Toxic Effects of Excess Dietary Phosphates

Phosphorus is one of the most abundant mineral elements in the human body; it is essential for energy and metabolism and bone formation. It makes up 1% of our body’s weight. In short, we cannot live without it. However, in the age of industrial food processing, phosphorus is becoming more of a poison than a ...

Karla News

Do You Know What’s in That Hot Dog You’re Eating?

So what exactly goes into a hot dog? We all know that they are not the healthiest form of meat, with who-knows-what byproducts in them, but it’s hard to tell for sure exactly what you are eating. I decided to do some research to clear the hot dog mystery up. All hot dogs aren’t created ...

Karla News

Nitrate Reduction Techniques for Successful Saltwater Aquariums

Providing the best conditions for livestock while limiting such debilitating nuisances like diatoms, cyanobacteria, bryopsis, valonia and other forms of micro algae is an ongoing process. Believe it or not, nitrates are the primary culprit in micro algae growth and outbreaks. However, nitrate reduction doesn’t have to be a time consuming project requiring advanced calculus ...