Articles for tag: Cell Phone Providers, Phone Bill

Karla News

The Hidden Costs of Cell Phones

Millions of people own and use a cell phone. We use them not only to talk but to text, look up information, find directions and to play games. With the amount of people that depend on their cell phones, it’s not surprising that the cell phone business is a multi-million dollar enterprise. With a myriad ...

Karla News

Migo Cell Phone from Verizon Wireless

If you want your kids to have the safety and convenience of a cell phone, but you’re afraid they’ll drive your cell phone bill sky-high, the Migo offered by Verizon Wireless is the answer. Migo, from Verizon Wireless, is a cell phone designed especially for kids, and the Migo cell phone from Verizon Wireless is ...

Karla News

What is a Family Cell Phone Plan?

Shopping for a cell phone plan can be overwhelming. If you have several people in your home, or want to connect with a group of people in your life, family plans are an option for allowing you to have several phones on one plan. Family cell phone plans may be used by any group of ...

Karla News

Comparison Shopping for Prepaid Cell Phones

Historical Perspective The Cell Phone is one of the most innovative inventions of the twentieth century. Callers can find an individual anywhere in the country through calls, text messaging, and the mobile Internet. When the cell phone first came on the scene it was targeted to doctors and other professionals. Those in this league paid ...