Articles for tag: Jackson Pollock, Phenomenology

Karla News

The Inspiration of Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock was a famous abstract expressionist painter in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The idea that Pollock primarily worked from was the idea about painting the unconscious. However, one has to question, was he really painting out of the unconscious, or was he rather incorporating and using vivid ideas from his life mixed with feelings ...

Karla News

Fall Fashion Preview: Obey Giant

For those who haven’t heard of Shepard Fairey’s so-called revolutionary ‘experiment in phenomenology’ should be considered somewhat fashion ignorant, at this point. It started in the 90’s with artist Shepard Fairey working at a skate shop, learning the art of cut-and-paste, and embellishing punk band logos on his t-shirts. From there, the ‘Andre the Giant ...

Karla News

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

No man is an Island. No scientist is an island. No matter how smart a person may be, no matter how in depth his studies may be, one person cannot do everything himself. No one scientist can be the master of all disciplines and do the all the required research in different fields to prove ...

Karla News

Critique of Husserl’s “What Is” and Phenomenology

Phenomenology as Husserl would describe it was the study of objects and subjects as they appear. Moving away from Kantian philosophy of splitting subjects into the phenomenal and nominal realms, Husserl’s Phenomenology had only one realm split into two, the noema and the noetic. Ridding himself of the nominal realm of Kantian thought left Husserl ...