Articles for tag: Ferrets, Pet Ferret

Karla News

Things You Should Know Before Getting a Ferret

Ferrets are affectionate, lively, and entertaining animals. They can bring hours of entertainment to the whole family. Just when you think your pet ferret can’t possibly surprise you, he’ll come up with a new antic, and most ferret lovers never tire of seeing the “weasel war dance. I’ve had pet ferrets for over ten years, ...

Karla News

Unique and Unusual Facts About Ferrets

Overview of Ferrets The ferret is a domesticated species with black, brown, white, or mixed fur. Males tend to be quite larger then the female, averaging 20 inches (51 centimeter) in length, including that of a 5 inch (13 centimeter) tail. Although ferrets have been around for nearly 2,500 years, there are still many fascinating ...

Big Bird Dies in Avian Flu

WASHINGTON, D.C.-In a startling development that left children nationwide crying and screaming at their television sets, Big Bird, ringleader in the popular children’s television program Sesame Street, died last Tuesday of complications resulting from the avian flu. Bird, an icon of American television for the past 37 years, contracted the flu in early September, but ...

Karla News

Playing with Your Pet Ferret: Game Ideas

Ferrets are extremely fun-loving and playful little animals. They love being around people, getting attention, playing games with you, and of course playing games with other ferrets. If you have only one ferret, you’re going to have to make sure you’ve got enough time to spend with him/her or they’ll get lonely and bored and ...

Karla News

Basic Ferret Care

Bouncy and playful, owning a ferret is much like owning a kitten that never grows up. Keep your furry friend happy and health with just a few basic steps for ferret care. First and foremost with any new pet, make sure you have your ferret spayed or neutered, if they have not been already. Male ...

Karla News

Are Ferrets Good Pets?

Ferrets, also known as polecats in the UK, make great pets for people who are committed to learning about their new pets. Ferrets are challenging pets because of their energy and their illegality in places like the state of California. Ferrets can cost hundreds of dollars a year to maintain. Just the cost of a ...

Karla News

U.S. History: American Federalism

I am writing about the importance of American federalism. First, I will define and explain what federalism is, the three most important powers that are shared in federalism, and what roles the state, local, and national governments play in federalism. Secondly, I will discuss how federalism has evolved in the United States and how certain ...