Articles for tag: Blood Clots, Pes

Causes of Leg Blood Clots

Blood clots in the legs may not seem like a serious issue, but in fact they can lead to many serious medical complications. Proper blood flow through your body, including your legs, is essential to preventing clots. Leg blood clots have specific causes and risk factors associated with the development. Blood clots which begin in ...

Pain Associated with Fallen Arches

Most of us must get up on our feet at one point or another. This may seem like an ordinary task, but for those suffering from pain associated with fallen arches, getting on your feet can be an incredibly painful experience. Pes planus, or fallen arches, is a common condition in which the arch of ...

The Best Breakfast Bets in Northern VA

Tired of iHop, Denny’s and The Silver Diner? Give these restaurants a try for great-tasting, fresh food in a unique atmosphere. Luna Grill & Diner, Shirlington (South Arlington) Luna Grill & Diner offers a large selection of fresh breakfast items at a very reasonable price. I particularly recommend the omelette, where you can specify egg ...

Karla News

The Best Bakeries in the Bronx

New York is home to a diverse array of bakeries and pastry shops – from Polish to Italian to Dominican. The Bronx is no exception to this sweet New York phenomenon. Even though it is the biggest borough in New York City, many of these bakeries remain unknown by the general public. As supermarkets continue ...

Karla News

FitZos.Com | Virtual Personal Trainer

Industries are evolving every day. They are learning how to take advantage of the social aspect of the internet, making it more affordable to their clients by reaching more people. But one industry that been lagging behind in that aspect: personal training. Personal training has historically been an in-person one on one approach to helping ...