Articles for tag: Garden Nurseries, Perennial Flowers, Perennial Plants

Karla News

Plant a Perennial Cutting Garden: Flowers for Vases

Flowers bloom in landscapes and gardens around the world during thewarm summer months. The colors and shapes of the landscapes change constantly as new blooms open and old blooms are spent. Gardens are a ever changing work of art. Gardeners can make design a garden, making decisions about the kinds of plants they want, sizes, ...

Karla News

Best Landscape: Shady Perennials

Many homeowners often wonder what they can plant in their shady spots in their home landscape. While full sun gardens tend to boast of the large, stunning flowering perennials, there are some amazing perennial plants that can thrive with little sun and can set up a magnificent show. Shade can be a blessing when you ...

Karla News

Climbing Clematis: Flower Guide

After moving into our new house from a townhouse, our neighbor introduced us into the exciting new world of “clematis” flowers. These flowers are wonderful climbing plants; there are a few exceptions which is a perennial and one that is a bush. Besides the wonderful vibrant colored flowers (usually periwinkle) this variety of plant blooms ...

Karla News

A Mini Greenhouse is Ideal for Small Gardens

If you have a small garden space, a full-sized greenhouse may be out of the question. However, if you do much gardening, a well-made mini greenhouse is a purchase you will never regret. Ideal for use on patios, decks, balconies, courtyards and small yards, mini green houses offer the same benefits and many of the ...

Karla News

Top Perennial Plants & Flowers

There are many varieties of perennial plants and flowers. Perennial plants and flowers come back every Spring. Once you plant one, it will bloom every year. Perennials die every Winter, but come back as vibrant as ever every Spring. They are fairly easy in which to care. There are low growing and tall growing perennial ...

Karla News

5 Edible Plants Suitable for Window Flower Box

In a window flower box as shallow as 6 inches, you can grow shallow rooted fruit and vegetable plants. Imagine opening a window from inside your home to collect fresh produce for a meal. Choose a window box with drain holes (or drill holes yourself) that is at least 6 inches wide and 6 inches ...