Articles for tag: Ped Egg

Karla News

Original Ped Egg Professional; Consumer Product Review

The Original Ped Egg Professional is distributed by TELEBrands. This product claims to gently remove calloused, dry skin for smoother, beautiful feet. The ultimate foot file includes 2 emery finishing pads and has over 135 precision micro files that are safe to the touch. The shape of the Ped Egg is ergonomically designed and traps ...

Karla News

Makeup for Mature Women

Living in Florida I can’t help but notice older women and how they dress, makeup and do their hair. It may be due to failing eyesight or just getting stuck in a look but there comes a time when you really need to give yourself the once over and ask if you’re stuck in the ...

Karla News

Should You Buy “As Seen on TV” Products?

We’ve probably all seen the ads on TV… the announcer (often a guy with an English accent) tells you that you simply MUST have this latest product. I’ve tried several and a lot of them failed to live up to their hype: Emery Cat: a kitty scratching board with emery board embedding. My cats would ...

Karla News

How to Give Your Feet a Cheap, At-Home Pedicure

My feet have always been calloused, but I’m a penny pincher and don’t spend money on beauty treatments. My feet got worse and finally, I got a salon pedicure. Now my feet looked great, but it was too expensive to do this every month. I needed an at-home solution. I tried pumice stones and emery ...