Articles for tag: Early Intervention, Pdd

Karla News

More Therapeutic Day Schools in Illinois

As promised, I was able to locate a few more schools which serve children in Du Page and Cook Counties. I have been focusing specifically on programs that cater to the needs of children on the Autism Spectrum, as this is a very personal issue for me. So, here is some of what I found. ...

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): A Learning Approach for Autistic Spectrum/PDD Children

Parents and grandparents of children with an autism spectrum disorder are continually seeking new ways for their children to learn. For ‘typical’ children, many forms of learning environments are available, but autism spectrum children have’ fallen through the cracks’ in many cases. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a proven approach to effective learning for children ...

Karla News

Tips for Parents of Children Recently Diagnosed with PDD

As new parents, we knew something was wrong. We could not put a name on it, but our son did not seem to be developing like other children. His motor skills lagged behind. Simply changing the type of sippy cup he used caused a day long meltdown. At night, he would cry inconsolably if he ...