Articles for tag: Exotics, Growing Perennials, Houseplants, Passiflora, Plant Propagation

Karla News

Purple Passion Plant

Purple Passion Plant, also known as Passiflora incarnata, is generally found growing wild in the southern part of the United States, but can be an interesting and beautiful exotic houseplant. This vining plant, known as the Purple Passion Plant or Purple Passion Flower, gets its name from comparing it to the elements of the Crucifixion ...

Karla News

Start a Butterfly Garden: Purple Passionvine

If you want to start a butterfly garden, pick a dependable host plant such as the Purple Passionvine or Maypop. Purple passionvine is the larval host for so many butterflies including the Gulf Fritillary, Zebra Longwing, Mexican butterfly, Julia, Red-banded hairstreak, and Crimson-patch longwing. When you start a butterfly garden, you want to attract as ...

Karla News

Vines with Flowers Suitable for Pergolas

The best flowering vines to cover or adorn a pergola are those that climb, produce showy flowers and survive in the growing conditions of your region. When these vines are perennial species, they become low maintenance landscaping plants that deliver colorful, attractive flowers every year. In some cases, a flowering vine for your pergola is ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Stress

Many, many years ago, herbs were relied upon for treatment and cure of all types of ailments. Tried and true herbal remedies were passed along through the generations. But with the dawning of the “miracle of modern medicine,” herbal treatments took a backseat to the wonders of science. While modern medicine certainly did have some ...