Articles for tag: Parvo

Parvo and Dogs: Signs, Prevention and Treatment

Parvo is a horrible disease that eats your dogs stomach lining, then dehydrates your pup to death. It usually strikes puppies at a very young age. Adults can get it also, but usually it does not kill them. Parvo attacks the weaker immune systems, like that of a puppy. Parvo strikes suddenly, and doesn’t give ...

Karla News

How to Spot If Your Puppy Has Parvo

Receiving a new puppy for whatever reason can be a whole lot of fun. If you specifically went out and chose a great puppy for you and your loved ones, or if you were given one by someone who could not take care of theirs or had to many to deal with. Which ever one ...

Canine Parvovirus Symptoms and Treatment

Canine parvovirus, also known as CPV-2 or parvo, is a highly contagious viral infection that can be lethal to dogs. It first appeared in the late ’70’s, probably a mutation of the feline distemper virus. Dogs had no natural immunity to the virus and vaccines were not yet available. Many dogs succumbed to the virus ...

Karla News

Parvo: Detecting, Treating, and Preventing This Canine Killer

Parvo, a debilitating disease that can devastate entire neighborhoods of family pets, is extremely dangerous, yet also very preventable. There are two forms of this virus, one that affects the heart and another that affects the intestinal tract, and once contracted either form can be fatal. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of this virus is ...

Karla News

How to Help Your Dog Survive Parvo

Parvo is a very deadly canine disease. Parvo causes severe dehydration, which adds to its lethality. It will also cause internal bleeding which comes out through vomit and liquid stools. It is easy to contract and once it has been in your home, it will be there for years unless you thoroughly bleach every possession ...

Karla News

Does Your Dog Have Canine Parvovirus?

Parvovirus is a viral disease that is found in humans, dogs, cats, and other animals. In dogs, it is called canine parvovirus and is potentially deadly. Parvovirus is the most common viral illness found in dogs. The virus centers in the intestinal lining because it likes to grow in rapidly dividing cells, and the intestinal ...

Canine Parvovirus: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Canine parvovirus is a pathogen that causes the disease Parvo in dogs. There is more then one strain but they are all very similar so are most often lumped together. It is a highly contagious and highly dangerous disease for dogs. Signs and Symptoms The first symptoms of Parvo are a loss of appetite, lethargy, ...

Karla News

Parvo and the Importance of Vaccinations

Parvovirus is one of the most common viral infections that a dog can contract, and easily one of the most deadly. Attacking the digestive system of both puppies and adult dogs alike, this virus prevents the infected host from absorbing life-sustaining nutrients and liquids, and can attack the muscles of the heart. Sadly, while vaccinations ...