Articles for tag: Best Careers, Legal Assistant, Paralegal

Karla News

Best Careers for the 2010 College Graduate

College students that are planning on graduating and entering into the workforce in 2010 should be expecting to hit the pavement hard. The job market in this economy has not been at its best, but there is hope for the recent college graduate at the end of the tunnel. Michael Farr and Laurence Shatkin, authors ...

Karla News

My Life as a Bankruptcy Paralegal

I never dreamed growing up about being a paralegal – I dreamed of being a teacher, an astronaut, a pastry chef or a princess (being an only child I had a great imagination). I guess the best way to describe how I chose my career is to say I was in a hurry. I was ...

Karla News

First Person Story: My Law Firm Has Its Sixth Birthday

After I graduated law school in 2001, I suffered through five years of bad bosses and bad jobs. I went from one firm to another trying to find a place where I would fit in and where I would be appreciated. Some places worked out better than others, but ultimately none were the right place ...

Karla News

Best Schools for Paralegal Training

The paralegal profession is one of the hottest fields around. One can find paralegal training almost everywhere; therein lies the problem. Because the paralegal profession is so popular, one can safely assume that the field will quickly become over-crowded. Therefore, if you are pursuing a paralegal career, you must do something that will set you ...

Karla News

Getting an Online Paralegal Certificate

The internet has truly opened up a world of opportunities for educational pursuits. One can get an online paralegal certificate in a matter of months. If you are thinking about obtaining a paralegal education, you should seriously consider getting an online paralegal certificate. Kaplan University has a well established and regionally accredited physical campus as ...

Karla News

How to Become a Paralegal

If you are interested in working in the law field but don’t think you have what it takes to be a lawyer, getting a paralegal degree might be right for you. A paralegal, or legal assistant, is a lawyer’s assistant designated work under the supervision of a lawyer or law agency. This can be a ...

The Paralegal Profession: 5 Must-Have Qualities for Success

The paralegal profession is currently booming, with an ever growing need for professional assistance in law firms. The paralegal job market is expected to continue its growth, while colleges throughout the United States have added and expanded paralegal studies and certification programs. Paralegals work in all areas of law, in many different types of settings. ...

Karla News

The Challenges of Being a Paralegal and Where They Took Me

During a recent discussion with my husband he looked at me and said, “You are sounding like a lawyer.” Apparently I was actually “winning” the discussion as according to him I twisted and turned words to convince him of my way of thinking. That is a popular misconception among many, but to those that have ...