Articles for tag: Padma Lakshmi, Self Magazine

Karla News

Why Bravo Cable Channel Sucks

Bravo has gone through a massive metamorphosis in the past eleven years. But instead of going from a caterpillar to a butterfly, Bravo has gone from a butterfly to a caterpillar. This writer used to list Bravo as one of her favorite cable channels back in the mid-1990s; now I can’t stand it. Brief Brvo ...

Unique Gifts for Top Chef Fans

Find some gift ideas that I can guarantee nobody else will give to the Top Chef fan on your list. Also find the best of the cookbooks that have a root in the hit Bravo TV show, Top Chef Fans of the first three seasons of Top Chef will love any of these fun and ...

Karla News

Bravo is the Worst Television Network

There are very few television programs that I enjoy anymore. I am a huge sports fan (as anybody who reads my content knows) and thus watch ESPN everyday. Other than sports I am a huge fan of Smallville, Scrubs, and Law and Order SVU. That’s really about it for me. One reason for this is ...