Articles for tag: Oxytocin, Pitocin

Should Pitocin Be Used to Start or Speed Up Labor?

Since the 1970s, pitocin has been a recognized as a safe way to start or augment (speed up) labor. A synthetic form of oxytocin, which is an active hormone in breastfeeding, orgasm and beginning labor, but extracted from the pituitary glands of cows, pitocin will cause uterine contractions to either begin in a non-laboring woman, ...

Inducing Labor Naturally During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can seem like an eternity for many women, and can often drag on for days or weeks past the baby’s predicted due date. By the last couple of weeks of pregnancy, many women are looking for ways to speed things along and help get labor started. A pregnancy is generally considered full-term once the ...

Natural Ways to Induce Labor

So your nine months pregnant and probably starting to wonder if you will ever see your little one. The end of pregnancy can seem to last forever. Good news there are some natural ways to encourage labor to begin. There are some methods of naturally inducing labor, which are safe. However you should not attempt ...

Oxytocin and the Impact on Pregnancy

Pregnant women experience one of the most profound physical and emotional changes through the period of gestation, labor, delivery and birthing. For many, the hormonal fluctuations create the greatest confusion during a pregnancy. Of these hormones, Oxytocin is commonly discussed but rarely, fully, understood by the pregnant woman. For those pregnant women seeking to capture ...