Articles for tag: Mypoints, Mypoints.Com, Owning a Horse

Karla News

Website Review: BookCloseouts.Com

Book Closeouts is a website that sells mainly books. They do sell some VHS video cassettes, DVD’s and other things as well but mostly it is books. The great thing about them is that all the books they sell are new. Don’t get me wrong, I love used books and generally buy used books because ...

Karla News

The Responsibilities of Owning a Horse

The responsibility that goes along with owning a horse is great. A horse is a large animal that when confined to a small pasture or paddock, is completely reliant on its owner. If the owner is delinquent or is not aware of all the correct care a horse requires the horse’s health and overall well ...

Karla News

Current Uses of the American Paint Horse

Although you may associate American Paint Horses with cowboy movies, they are used in many other ways, just like most breeds of light horse in America. American Paint Horses not only have the flashy patchwork of colors that have made them infamous, but in order to be registered with the American Paint Horse Association, they ...