Articles for tag: Overprotective Parents

Karla News

Wedding Rehearsal Speech

Wow…as of this time tomorrow, we will be officially married! On one hand, time has gone by so quickly, and I’m not sure where it’s all gone, on the other, I never, ever thought this day would get here. This speech started out as a short thank you speech for tomorrow, but I got a ...

Karla News

How Overprotective Parents Changed My Life

My father is 76 years old. My mother is 60 years old. I am 25 years old. Right now some of you may be saying wow. Growing up was quite a task. Having older parents helped me connect better with my elders as well as always acting ten years older than I was. Having older ...

Karla News

Blu-ray Review: “Finding Nemo”

Disney continues their trend of re-releasing hit films in 3D and then giving them the Blu-ray treatment with “Finding Nemo.” The Academy Award-winning movie is a new classic for both the Mouse House and Pixar and continues to charm children of all ages. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who follows the success ...

Karla News

First Person: Being an Overprotective Parent Isn’t Bad

I was having lunch with my friend who had a baby, Zack, a year ago. In the past 12 months, she hasn’t left her baby home with anyone other than her husband, not even the grandparents. They took their baby with them to celebrate their wedding anniversary at a restaurant. I told her I could ...