Articles for tag: Enhancer, Over 35, Plumper

Karla News

The Best Lip Enhancing Products over $35

Serious lip enhancing products over $35 may seem like a lot of money, but if you are really looking for some serious lip plumping that will make everyone take notice, you make have to shell out the extra dollars. Lip enhancing products are a great way to try out the full pouty plump lip look ...

Karla News

Five Hip Fashion Tips for Women Over 35

In many ways, turning thirty-five is a blessing when it comes to fashion. Most women have had time to get to know themselves, and have seen a few fashion cycles come and go. With experience comes discernment–it’s easier to tell a passing fancy (designer denim overalls, anyone?) from a long-term trend like boot-cut jeans, a ...

Karla News

Top Fine Dining Restaurants in Denver

Looking for something a bit more on the elegant side? Are you willing to go a little over budget for a special occasion? The list of restaurants below are all fine dining locations. What this means is that you can expect to find some of the most elegant decorations with top of the line food. ...

Yaz Oral Contraceptives: A Second Look

Two years ago, I spoke with my doctor about switching to Yaz. At the time, Yaz was hailed as the latest advancement in women’s health. Not only did it provide a very effective method of birth control, Yaz also promised to relieve symptoms of PMMD, a more severe form of PMS. I was diagnosed with ...