Articles for tag: Otitis, Otitis Externa, Otitis Media, swimmer's ear

Karla News

Causes of Drainage from the Ears

Having fluid draining from your ear is certainly not something people are accustomed to experiencing. Medically this drainage is known as otorrhea, and it has many potential causes. In order to diagnose the cause of the drainage, it is important to know how long it has been happening, how severe it is, and exactly under ...

Home Remedies for Swimmer’s Ear

Summer is a time to have fun, laze by the pool or play in the waves at the beach. It can also be the time for a painful infection known as swimmer’s ear. There are many home remedies for swimmer’s ear that will have them back in the water in no time. Swimmer’s ear is ...

Possible Causes of an Earache

There are many potential causes of an earache. Most of these causes are related to either an infection or some sort of trauma. Ear infections in children occur so frequently that they are the most common reason that a child will be taken to see a doctor. Despite the frequency in children, earaches are common ...

Karla News

How to Make and Use Ear Drops to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is a bacterial infection of the outer ear canal. In the medical field, it’s called “acute external otitis” or “otitis externa”. It’s commonly caused by water stuck in the ear after swimming, hence its name. It can also be caused by other water sports, or when there is excessive moisture left in the ...

Karla News

Cure Swimmer’s Ear Naturally

Odds are, if you or your family is swimming this summer, someone is going to get Swimmer’s Ear. Swimmer’s Ear is an infection and/or inflammation of the external ear and ear canal caused by overexposure to, you guessed it, water. When water gets trapped in the ear canal it can cause bacteria to grow in ...

Karla News

Tis the Season for Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear (or otitis externa if you want to be scientific) is an infection of the outer ear. Usually children get this uncomfortable infection after spending much time in the ocean or pool. They can also get swimmer’s ear from a bathtub, but it is most commonly seen during summer months when swimming is at ...

Karla News

Infant Ear Infections

Antibiotics are useless against most viruses and viral infection. But many doctors persist in treating viruses with antibiotics. Doctors also over prescribe antibiotics, particularly amoxicillan, especially with infants and young children. Ear infection is to babies as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder) is to school-age children. Unfortunately, even if ...