Articles for tag: Osteosarcoma, Yahoo Groups

What to Do If Your Dog is Diagnosed with Cancer

“It’s cancer,” the vet told us over the phone. The cancer was a two inch mass in our golden retriever’s top right jaw and half the jaw was already deteriorated to the horrid disease. When we added his poor immune system and obesity to the mix, neither amputation or chemotherapy was an option. We called ...

Karla News

Top Ten Best Dogs for Families

Growing up with dogs as a child has given me a love for dogs. Over the years we have had several dogs and here are the best for families starting at the number one best dog for a family. #1 The Boston Terrier: This breed is so affectionate and loving. A great family dog with ...

Karla News

Facts About Feline Bone Cancer

Feline Bone Cancer is the most common form of cancer in cats. Osteosarcoma is the most common form of feline bone cancer. At first, the symptoms of the cancer appear to the symptoms of arthritis. Because the cancer primarily affects cats that are 10 years or older, the signs of cancer may appear to just ...

Ways to Help Your Golden Retriever Dog Live Longer

If you have a Golden Retriever, you’re probably concerned about him living a long and happy life. Dogs are part of the family and when they pass away it can be quite traumatic. Fortunately, there are a variety of things you can do to potentially increase your Golden Retriever’s life span. What is the average ...

Karla News

My Dog Had Osteosarcoma

All my dog rescue stories start with the phrase ‘I didn’t want another dog.’ Zuki was no exception. When a friend mentioned a CraigsList ad for a young dog, I thought I’d place her with my rescue group. Except this inquisitive, exasperating, sweet, funny girl wiggled her way into my heart. Zu was smart – ...

Karla News

How to Tell If Your Dog is Sick

Protecting your dog’s health and well being is important. Unfortunately, your dog can’t tell you when he feels bad and it can sometimes be difficult to tell when your faithful canine is “under the weather”. It’s particularly important, as a good dog owner, to be aware of signs that your dog is experiencing a health ...

Karla News

What to Know About Feline Osteosarcoma

Bone diseases affect dogs, cats and humans. Dogs and humans can be more affected by Osteosarcoma than cats are. Cats are more resilient to the effects of Osteosarcoma if you spot it early enough and treat it quickly. Feline Osteosarcoma is a type of cancer which affects the bones of cats. You will find this ...

Karla News

Canine Osteosarcoma – Zuki’s Story

I have a clear memory of Zuki sitting with me in the garden last summer. Someone pulled to the side of the road. Instantly, Zuki charged off to investigate. I simply looked up and said ‘Zu.’ She stopped dead and raced back. She did so with confidence and joy, clearly as happy to return to ...

Hazards of Fluoride in Tap Water

For years, it has been said that fluoride has clear health benefits: it prevents cavities and encourages healthy gums. Furthermore, a healthy mouth can prevent other ills like heart disease. Yet, some feel that fluoride is not entirely beneficial. In fact, recently there have been studies revealing possible hazards of fluoride lurking in tap water. ...

Karla News

What is a Feline Fibrosarcoma?

Lisa wanted to share her retirement with an animal really in need of a home. She was glad to adopt a two-year-old formerly feral cat she immediately named Sammy. Although she needed to budget carefully since she was no longer working, she adored the cat and wanted to give him the best care possible. This ...