Articles for tag: Apnea, Osa, Sleep Apnea

Dealing with Sleep Apnea: Reduce Snoring

For those of who have Sleep Apnea, getting a good’s night rest is often more work than not. Here are some idea’s that may help. Sleep Apnea is a serious condition and if you have it, you should be under the care of a competent physician. There are some things, however that you can do ...

Karla News

How I Experience and Cope with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

The term OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is often used to describe perfectionist behavior. While people with OCD may just seem overly organized, Medscape says OCD behavior stems from pervasive psychological pain, anxiety and “distressing intrusive obsessive thoughts.” Intrusive and distressing, these thoughts certainly are. I wasn’t diagnosed with OCD until adulthood, but I recognize now that ...

Karla News

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Using a CPAP Can Help Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes

Details of groundbreaking research linking obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment and the reduction of heart attacks and strokes were provided in a recent press release. By treating OSA patients with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, plaque buildup in the arteries was reduced dramatically in just months. Plaque buildup can contribute to both heart attacks ...

Karla News

Infant Sleep Apnea: Causes

Adults with sleep apnea can make quite comical noises, but it’s no laughing matter when an infant gets sleep apnea. During sleep, the airways of the sleeping infant are momentarily cut off, so the sleeping infant gives off a choking sound. Although adults with sleep apnea can survive for years or decades with the condition, ...

Karla News

Costa Rica’s Osa Penninsula

I had been to Costa Rica before, targeting my adventures to the north– Guanacaste, and the surfing beaches of Tamarindo and Langosta. My next trip takes me into the southwestern area known as the Osa Peninsula, a wild and rugged region in the southwestern Puntarenas Province, and home to Corcovado National Park in the tropical ...