Articles for tag: How to Find a Job, Orthodontist, Orthodontists, Pharmacists

Jobs that Pay Over $100,000 a Year

Are you exploring career options? Just curious which jobs pay over $100,000 a year? Want a job that will provide a nice, comfortable salary? Just want to compare high-paying jobs? Here are a few positions that pay over $100,000 a year. Please note, that the starting salary for these jobs is often lower than 100 ...

Karla News

Take Care of Your Teeth

When you meet new people, what are the first two things that you notice about them? The answer is their smile and teeth. Healthy teeth can tell you a lot about one’s personality. When you choose not to take care of your teeth, you pay the price with rotten teeth and bad breath and this ...

Karla News

Adult Orthodontics: Should You Get Braces?

Many adults with dental problems feel like they missed their chance to have braces once they reached the age of 18. Lately that is not the case. I have run into many adults with braces to correct their smiles and constantly wonder if I should do the same thing. Adult orthodontics has become more popular ...

Karla News

Dental Braces – Information and Treatment

Dental braces (orthodontic braces or brackets) are devices used to straighten teeth, align upper and lower jaws, improve aesthetics of smiles and face or relieve pressure on temporomandibular joints (“jaw joint” that connects the lower jaw to the base of the skull. It has upper and lower joint compartments, filled with lubricating fluid (synovial fluid). ...

How to Adjust to Your New Essix Retainers

So, your braces are finally off, and your teeth are looking perfect. You think you’re home free…until your orthodontist presents you with your new set of clear retainers. Called Essix or Invisalign retainers, they are quickly replacing the more expensive traditional wire, or Hawley retainers. Though almost invisible once worn, adjusting to these retainers can ...

Karla News

10 Unique Ways to Wean Your Child Off a Pacifier

Parents face many pressures to encourage their kids to grow up and move on to the next developmental stage, and giving up a pacifier can be a huge source of stress in some families. Children get comfort from their pacifiers and a happy child means a happy parent, so many parents are understandably panicked when ...

Karla News

Crouzon Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Crouzon Syndrome is usually observed in infants. During the development stage, the child’s cranial as well as facial bones fail to expand. This inadequate growth leads to a partially or completely malformed pattern of the skull, making the skull look abnormal. Causes and Symptoms of Crouzon Syndrome: Crouzon Syndrome occurs due to a gene mutation ...

Karla News

How to Make Real Money in Vegas

It’s a dream for all of us, isn’t it? Breeze into Vegas, have some fun, play a few games, and go home a couple thousand dollars richer. The truth, of course, is that this happens only rarely. For most people, the way to leave Vegas with a small fortune is to go there with a ...

Karla News

Things the Orthodontist Won’t Tell You About Metal Braces

Considering braces? The metal kind mainly because the metal braces are your best option for straightening your teeth. Its true straight teeth will build up self-esteem and add to any makeover, but getting from start to finish can be very painful. Orthodontists first schedule a consultation. Watch out for free consultations! They are free until ...