Articles for tag: Braces, Headgear, Orthodontist, Senior Pictures

Orthodontic Headgear Care

If the orthodontist recently recommended that you wear orthodontic headgear, you probably are feeling bitterly disappointed about now. Nobody wants to wear orthodontic headgear, more commonly referred to as braces headgear. Braces headgear is sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes painful, and always unattractive. Perhaps you are lucky and only have to wear the orthodontic headgear few hours ...

Jobs that Pay Over $100,000 a Year

Are you exploring career options? Just curious which jobs pay over $100,000 a year? Want a job that will provide a nice, comfortable salary? Just want to compare high-paying jobs? Here are a few positions that pay over $100,000 a year. Please note, that the starting salary for these jobs is often lower than 100 ...

Karla News

We Chose a Dental Plan that Covers Orthodontics

All throughout our married life together, my wife and I have maintained the common insurance coverage that our employers provide: health and dental insurance. We even have our son on our policies for his own coverage. We pay more in premiums for his coverage, but better that than paying full price for procedures. In 2010, ...

Karla News

Invisalign: A Life-Changing Experience

When I was younger, I had horrible looking, crooked front teeth. Actually, my entire mouth was a mess, and I was in desperate need of orthodontic treatment. My first trip to the orthodontist was when I was 14 years old. I needed braces! What a surprise! So I went through 2 years of metal tearing ...

Karla News

Comparing Three Popular Styles of Dental Retainers

About 4.5 million people in the United States are wearing braces right now. Chances are, after they get their braces off, they will need some sort of retainer afterwards. Retainers are made of plastic, metal, or a combination of both to keep your teeth aligned once braces are removed. Just like a snowflake, no two ...

Karla News

Adult Orthodontics: Should You Get Braces?

Many adults with dental problems feel like they missed their chance to have braces once they reached the age of 18. Lately that is not the case. I have run into many adults with braces to correct their smiles and constantly wonder if I should do the same thing. Adult orthodontics has become more popular ...

Porcelain Veneers – Straighten Teeth Fast

The crowning touch of the extreme dental makeover is the application of veneers that change the color and shape of teeth in a dramatic way. For many people, years of stain and wear, or misalignment are corrected in days with veneers. Veneers are porcelain or composite (a mixture of about 75% glass dust and 25% ...

How to Adjust to Your New Essix Retainers

So, your braces are finally off, and your teeth are looking perfect. You think you’re home free…until your orthodontist presents you with your new set of clear retainers. Called Essix or Invisalign retainers, they are quickly replacing the more expensive traditional wire, or Hawley retainers. Though almost invisible once worn, adjusting to these retainers can ...

Karla News

Exposure and Bracketing Tooth Surgery

Last week I got Expose and Bracketing tooth surgery. I am sixteen years old and I have had braces for a little over a year now. My orthodontist made room for my canine tooth on the left side of my mouth, but it got stuck. It was not necessarily impacted because you could see some ...