Articles for tag: Dude Ranch, Horseback, Orienteering

Karla News

When I Called a Dude Ranch “Home”

After writing an article about a scrapbooking event at White Pines Ranch in Oregon, IL, I realized that I hadn’t really published any articles about this special place. What makes White Pines Ranch special? Well, for me, I worked there for nine years and lived on the ranch for almost five of them. For other ...

Karla News

Cool Overnight Summer Camps in Colorado

Swimming, biking, hiking, and discovering are only a few of the fun activities associated with the summertime. Kids try to cram as much fun and adventure into this three-month period as possible, and what better way to do so than by attending a summer camp program. Summer camp can be a wonderful experience. Learning, exploring, ...

Karla News

10 Things to Do on Jeju Island

Jeju Island is the perfect vacation getaway. It’s a tiny, picturesque island off the southern coast of the Korean peninsula that offers hiking trails, volcanic caves, museums, beaches, shopping, and many other tourist attractions. Jeju Island offers something for everyone. 1. Rent a bicycle or a scooter The island is beautiful, and not all the ...