Articles for tag: Italian Mafia, Organized Crime, Sicilian, The Mafia

Karla News

Sicilian Women Trade in Their Aprons for Murder Weapons

The Sicilian mafia once painted a portrait of their women; their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters, as sweet innocent objects who stand behind their Mafioso men. These women traditionally turned their back to the “business” of their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons pretending not to notice the violation of human rights, posed on a daily ...

Karla News

Controlling Organized Crime

Throughout this document numerous characteristics of criminal organizations will be covered. Theories, such as the alien conspiracy, social control, differential association, and strain and anomie will be briefly discussed to produce a clearer understanding of how criminal organizations develop. In addition, the problems that can transpire as a result of organized crime, the legal limitations ...

Karla News

Social Organized Crime Perspective

In order to understand some of the possible reasons behind criminals’ actions, research is done to find answers. Comparing criminal organizations to that of a social institution is one way to understand how it works. There are theories that are not conclusive, but are available to help understand the possible excuses criminals use to defend ...

Karla News

Prison Gangs: The Aryan Brotherhood

The Aryan Brotherhood is a racially based biker gang which began to spread hatred in 1967, originating in San Quentin Prison in California. The Aryan Brotherhood formed out of the need for protection for white prisoners against Hispanic and African American prisoners. (Special Needs Offenders Bulletin, October 1997). The Aryan Brotherhood went through a few ...

Karla News

Prohibition and the Mob

In 1920 the 18th Amendment went into effect outlawing the production and sale of intoxicating alcohol; however, what most Americans did not realize was that prohibition would also promote a major increase in crime. Those promoting prohibition claimed families would be saved, health would improve and workers would perform better on the job, but the ...

Karla News

Does Organized Crime Exist in Las Vegas?

As a regular writer of Las Vegas articles, I am often asked if I believe that there is still a connection between organized crime and Las Vegas. I always answer the same thing, “If organized crime and Las Vegas are still linked, it would be one of the best kept secrets in the United States.” ...

Karla News

Was Jack Ruby Involved with Organized Crime?

Since President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November of 1963 in Dallas, Texas, the assassination has been the source of numerous conspiracy theories. Although the Warren Commission denied that there was any evidence of a conspiracy, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that the JFK assassination was most likely ...

Karla News

A Winter Afternoon at Mount Airy Casino in the Poconos

An insistent opposition has dogged the development of a slots machine casino at the former Mount Airy Lodge in Mount Pocono, PA. Among the residents of the area where the resort is located are a contingent of casino opponents who protest just about any mention of the casino in the local newspaper forums. Many consider ...

Karla News

Brief History of the Mafia and Organized Crime

Organized crime has deep roots in time. The Italian mafia was founded in Italy in the 1800’s, originally as a group of resistance fighters. Their power grew and evolved over time into the idea of organized crime that it is today. The Italian mafia, as it operates in Italy is still very powerful. As late ...