Articles for tag: Charitable Gifts, Cuenca, Organic Home

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Tree-huggers

This gift guide will give you great ideas for your fellow tree-hugging, earth loving, eco-friendly friends. Be glad that you have a tree-hugger friend, for it is the tree-huggers that will pave the way to a better future for all of us. I’ve done some research on environmentally friendly products to purchase over the internet. ...

Karla News

Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Organic Gardening

Organic gardening can mean different things, depending on what type of gardener you are and what type of indoor garden you’re longing for. The word “organic” and its meaning, as interpreted by the gardener often dictate what type of indoor organic gardening one will have. It sounds a little confusing, so let me explain. According ...

Organic Bed Sheets, Bedding and Comforters: Where to Buy

Environmental consciousness is not just for the new age sub sect anymore. More consumers are buying organic and looking for healthier alternatives. Organic products offer the chance for us all to protect the environment, discourage the use of pesticides, protect ourselves from toxins and chemicals, promote healthy living and reduce our health risks. The amount ...