Articles for tag: Offal

Karla News

Animal Proverbs in the Bible

Animals are often mentioned in the Bible. Some of those passages have become proverbs–that is, widely quoted sayings that briefly and strikingly express some universal truth or shrewd observation about everyday life. Here are some of the most memorable animal proverbs from the Bible. to cast pearls before swine “Give not that which is holy ...

Karla News

Nutro Natural Choice Lite Dry Dog Food

We have two Chihuahuas. One is a normal weight 5-6 lbs, the other looks like a loaf of bread on sticks. He was almost 11 lbs when we got him. He also had genetic defects, luxating patella. This is a knee joint that blows and being overweight just exacerbated the condition.It was extremely important for ...

Karla News

List of Prepackaged Raw Diets for Your Dog Part 1

About seven months ago, my older dog had a health scare which had me question her diet and what exactly she was putting into her system. To my shock, many commercial dog foods that are out on the market have next to no nutritional value whatsoever for your animal. This lead me to what is ...

Karla News

10 Authentic Dishes to Enjoy in Rome, Italy

Rome is one of Italy’s most popular tourist destinations, yet many visitors miss the opportunity to enjoy truly authentic Roman cuisine. The unique specialties of Roman cooking reflect the ancient city’s rich history and varying cultural influences, from the offal meats first prepared by the butchers of the Testaccio district to the Jewish traditions followed ...

Karla News

Phrase Origins: Eat Humble Pie

The phrase that I am used to hearing is, “have a slice of humble pie.” but it seems that the phrase “eat humble pie,” is more common. Of course, both phrases would have the same meaning. The idea is that the person would have to eat humble pie, be it a whole pie or a ...

Karla News

How to Make a Children’s Water Slide

My granddaughters are both three years old and love to be outside in my yard. The yard consists of several different levels and gardens. However, I did save a patch of grass about ten feet wide which runs down a slope. This patch is where the winter sledding is done and the summer water slide ...

Should You Eat Liver?

In the wild, carnivorous animals will eat their prey’s organs first. Some native African mothers chew liver to give as their babies’ first food. Eskimo hunters will immediately divide the liver of their fresh kill and share it raw. Generations of families in my own culture have served liver and onions for dinner, and children ...