Articles for tag: 1984, George Orwell, Individualism, Oceania, Orwell

Karla News

George Orwell’s 1984 Book Analysis

From the ancient civilization of Greece to modern day America, books have been written to be cherished for generations to come. The authors who write these books have a purpose. For some, it may be entertainment, but for others, it may be a piece of advice. These books influence today’s society, either hinting at good ...

Karla News

Symbolism in George Orwell’s 1984

In the novel “1984”, author George Orwell employs the use of symbolism to further support the themes developed throughout the novel. Orwell wrote 1984 as a political warning to warn the future about the dangers of totalitarianism. To communicate his warning, Orwell uses the idea of themes, which in turns utilizes overpowering symbols to give ...

Karla News

Orwell’s 1984: Characterization, Background, and Symbolism

Winston, the main character in 1984, distinguishes himself as a rebel member of Oceania (one of the three battling superstates in this time period). He refuses to accept the ideals of the government, “doublethink,” and the sovereignty of Big Brother. Winston refuses to allow the Party to stifle his individuality or his ability to reason ...

Karla News

Study Guide: 1984 by George Orwell

To begin, here is a listing of major plot points throughout the book. Chapter one The world is divided into Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Oceania is run by Ingsoc, or the English Socialism Party Winston works for the ministry of truth, altering documents in favor of the party Winston writes in his diary, which is ...