Articles for tag: Nystatin, Thrush, Tonsils, Vaginal Yeast Infection

Karla News

Infant Thrush: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One day, as your baby is yawning or crying, you may notice white patches on the inside of his mouth. Mothers often think these spots are residue from the last feeding and try to wipe them away. If the spots cannot be easily removed, your baby may be suffering from the oral yeast infection known ...

Karla News

How to Remedy Extreme Diaper Rashes

If you have a baby, you know firsthand what it’s like to care for diaper rash. While rashes are easily treated by the typical name-brand creams such as Desitin and Butt Paste, there are many intense rashes that aren’t. My first child was born with a bowel condition that resulted in several surgeries. Following his ...

Types of Mouth Inflammation and Disease

There several type of mouth inflammation but the most common causes of inflammation of the mouth are: Moniliasis Thrush or candidiasis is characterized by creamy-white, curd-like patches anywhere in the mouth, caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Adjacent areas are red and swollen, and the white patches can be scraped away leaving ...

Karla News

Treat Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

There are few events of joy in the life of any woman that could be more sincerely felt to be joyful, than the time of pregnancy. The statistic then is especially saddening that it is during pregnancy that women are the most likely to come up against yeast infection. Infection by the Candida yeast can ...

Karla News

How to Treat Infant Thrush

You see the white mark on your babies tongue, and you think no big deal its just milk stains. More often than not that is all it is. When you go in to wipe it out with a wet towel it should come right off, if you notice that it does not you may want ...

Karla News

Using Gentian Violet to Treat Thrush

Any woman who has ever had to nurse a baby while dealing with thrush knows that it can be extremely painful and extremely difficult to get rid of. Nystatin is often the first thing that doctors will prescribe to treat thrush, but the yeast that causes thrush has become resistant to Nystatin – not to ...

Karla News

Lyme Disease – What is a Herxheimer Reaction?

Overview: The herxheimer reaction, nicknamed “herx” or otherwise referred to as Jarisch-Herxheimer (J-H) is a phenomena originally observed in the treatment of syphilis, but later found in other illness. In general terms, it is described as a temporary increase of symptoms when anti-syphilitic drugs (antibiotics) are administered. What is known or speculated about Lyme disease ...

Karla News

Candida Cleanse Die-Off Symptoms

When doing a Candida cleanse, most people will experience die-off symptoms, also known as Herxheimer Reaction. The reason this happens is because when the yeast begins to die it produces toxins so quickly the body can’t eliminate it fast enough. Although quite severe at times, die-off symptoms don’t last forever and are a good sign ...