Articles for tag: Cyrano De Bergerac, Nobility

Karla News

The Role of Jews in 19th Century Germany

The transition from feudalism to democracy is never an easy one and usually involves bloodshed. This was the case in France and even Britain. Germany, however, seems to have had particular trouble with modernization. While Germany had to overcome many problems in the 19th century, two of the most important involved Christian/Jewish relations. Germany had ...

Karla News

The Rise of Prussia in the 18th Century

During the 18th century, Prussia was a prominent power that came into rule along with the other great powers of Britain, Russia, and the continued dominance of France. It would play a significant role in the shaping of the modern world during the time of discovery of the New World. The first event that occurred ...

Karla News

Feudalism in Europe During the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, four separate and distinct castes emerged from the social institution of Feudalism. These were: the nobility, the clergy, the peasants, and the burghers or townspeople. The most powerful classes were the nobility and the clergy, but the burghers (mostly merchants and artisans) saw their numbers and influence increase significantly during that ...

Karla News

Buying Your Very Own English Title of Nobility

With the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, the European nobility found itself in a bad position relative to the new middle class. As industrialization took precedence over agriculture, those who owned the means of production had an advantage over those who owned land. This was a complete reversal of the economic situation as it had ...

Karla News

The Magna Carta: A March Torward Democracy

Although Democracy was yet not in practice during this period in history, and let alone the word democracy had not even come into existence at this point in time, most historians agree that the Magna Carta, Latin for “Great Charter” 1 or “Great Paper” 1 was perhaps one of the first steps towards the end ...

Karla News

The Invention of the Guillotine

Although it continues to be a terrifying sight to many people, the guillotine was not invented to inspire terror. In fact, it was created with the opposite intent. It was invented to be a much more humane and egalitarian method of execution than some of the methods that predated it. Nevertheless, its came to be ...