Articles for tag: Brown Fat, Neurons

Types of Cells in the Human Body

Each cell in our body is specialized for a specific role. Many cells have the same constituent parts, but radically divergent functions. Nerve Cells Nerve cells, also known as neurons, are excited by chemical signals, transmitting an electrical impulse to other neurons in neural pathways. These are the main components of the brain, responsible for ...

Multiple Sclerosis: Description, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Multiple sclerosis, sometimes known as MS and disseminated sclerosis, is an ailment of the body’s central nervous system. It is a chronic disease capable of causing a variety of different symptoms, among them muscle weakness, depression, problems with vision, difficulty speaking, severe fatigue, and pain. In more extreme cases, multiple sclerosis can impair a person’s ...

Karla News

Restart the Brain Ease Tinnitus

Energizing a nerve in the neck while playing certain sounds at the same time over a length of time eases tinnitus according to researchers who state these methods together appear to work well. Nearly 23 million adults in the United States, which include one in ten seniors and 40% of military veterans are affected by ...

Karla News

The Structure & Function of Neurons in the Nervous System

The nervous system is responsible for the transmission of chemical and electrical signals throughout the body. Nerve cells within the nervous system are referred to as neurons and are what allows the nervous system to communicate with the cells of the body. All neurons within the nervous system must demonstrate three important qualities. Each neuron ...