Articles for tag: Necrosis, Nodules

Researchers Stalk Anaplastic Medulloblastoma

The Lucile Packard Foundation’s newsletter and other sources have issued data regarding Anaplastic Medulloblastoma. Laurie J. Vaughn in her article “The Dark Realm of Brain Tumors,” discusses cutting-edge discoveries regarding the horrific illness of Anaplastic Medulloblastoma. What is Anaplastic Medulloblastoma? Anaplastic Medulloblastoma is an undifferentiated tumor (anaplastic) in the head or brain (medulloblastoma). The problem ...

Karla News

An Overview of Brown Recluse Spiders and Their Bites

Brown recluse spiders are mostly found in the warmer regions of the world, such as central and southern parts of the United States, Central America, North and West Africa, Mediterranean countries, South American countries, and the Caribbean islands. A few brown recluses have been found in colder climates; it is believed that the spider “hitched” ...

Karla News

Acute Severe Pancreatitis – Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

When suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, known as pancreatitis, there are many health issues of concern. While most patients would believe that pancreatitis, in acute form, is not life altering, this is simply not the case. With over 200,000 people admitted to the hospital each year wit acute pancreatitis, it is obviously a medical ...

Jaw Necrosis and Osteoporosis Drugs

Bisphosphanates are a group of drugs commonly used to treat osteoporosis; they include Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva. In 2003 reports began to surface of jaw necrosis occurring in patients being treated with Bisphosphanates. Osteonecrosis is the infection and subsequent break down of bone, and jaw necrosis is osteonecrosis of the jaw. Patients report a numbness ...

Missouri: The Belt of the Brown Recluse Spider

Phobias and other fears are fairly common with over 10% of the human population experiencing a phobia at some time in their life or another. However, I had never perceived myself as one of these elect few. Arachnophobia or the fear of spiders was not a word in my personal vocabulary for most of my ...

How to Prevent Bedsores

I worked for twenty years as a nurse, and for the last 10 years I specialized in elder care in a nursing home facility. The most common threat to the elder patient was the development of decubitus ulcers. A decubitus ulcer is a bedsore, also called a pressure sore. Bedsores are caused by continuous pressure ...