Articles for tag: Antisocial Behavior, Moral Development, Nature Vs. Nurture, Psychopathology

Karla News

Nature vs. Nurture and Development

Is a child’s personality and moral development based on their genetics or their environment? A psychologist named Donald Hebb once responded to that question by asking “which contributes more to an area of a rectangle, its length or its width?” (Puka, 2005) My view is similar to Donald’s, in that each child is inherently unique ...

Karla News

Nature Vs. Nurture in Emily Bronte’s Novel, Wuthering Heights

Many people view social class as a social evil. However, there are others who believe that the individual human behavior of searching for social status is what starts the process of a society fracturing into two or more distinct classes. Often times, one is completely satisfied and fulfilled with what he or she has become ...

Karla News

Nature vs Nurture: A Character Analysis

For decades psychologists have been studying the origins of personality traits, talents, and other such aspects of human beings. Working to find the divide between genetically inherited traits, or environmentally triggered traits, scientists from both sides have debated the issue for years. The theory itself proposes the question of whether human nature is determined by ...

Karla News

The Childhood Development Nature vs Nurture Debate Continues

Is a child’s development influenced primarily by genetics and biological predisposition? Or, could the majority of influence be found in the child’s environment? This nature/nurture question is possibly one of the oldest theories debated in psychology (Bee, 2004). Today, it is commonly accepted that most aspects of a child’s development are a product of the ...

Karla News

Gender Roles: Nature Vs. Nurture

If asked to define ‘who’ you are, what would you say? What would your foremost response be? Whether directly or indirectly, we define ourselves by our gender and our gender is the road map that determines so many aspects of our lives. In fact, your gender will establish your characteristics, and how you will be ...

Karla News

Rethinking Nature Vs Nurture

The idea of nature versus nurture in the world of psychology has been pervasive and ultimately misleading in its usefulness as a concept. Although we have used this dichotomy for years in an attempt to simplify the developmental processes into the innate unchangeable aspects (nature), and those under our control (nurture), this conceptualization has finally ...

Karla News

Nature Vs Nurture and Intelligence

The nature versus nurture debate has been raging for decades and continues to rage today. However, we now have a great deal of insight into intelligence and what factors contribute to it. In fact, psychologists attribute both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) to the level of intelligence that individuals have. On the genetics side, a ...