Articles for tag: Birth Story, Free Birth Announcements, Natural Birth, Natural Childbirth

Karla News

Four Must-Read Books on Natural Childbirth

The top two books on my natural childbirth reading list are Ina May’s Guild to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin and The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Better Birth by Henci Goer. These two books provide a tremendous amount of information about the “medical model” of childbirth versus the natural childbirth model. The Guide to Better ...

Karla News

Natural Birth with a Midwife vs. Hospital Birth

Giving birth is a wonderful, miraculous experience. Most mothers choose to give birth in a hospital knowing they will take good care of you, and if anything goes wrong, all the equipment is ready to go. You also get the dreaded but amazing epidural. I never really considered having a baby outside of the hospital ...

Karla News

Having a Natural Childbirth in the Hospital

In this day and age of “thinking green,” many women are opting to have their babies in the comforts of their own homes while other women are choosing to birth in maternity centers. Women are beginning to reclaim the birth experience as one of nature rather than a medical emergency. For women who want as ...

Karla News

Pregnancy 101: Packing for Labor

Prior to the birth of a child, one of the last concerns you may have is the expertise with which the hospital overnight bag is packed. Thanks to countless television enactments, parents-to-be often imagine a mad-dash to the hospital, woman screaming in agony, both fearing the child will need birthed in the car. Most energy ...

Preparing for a Natural Birth

There is really no way to make childbirth painless. Many women throughout history have had painless births, but there is no way to guarantee a birth without pain. Even with today’s technology, birth comes with pain most of the time. Epidurals can make the pain more comfortable, but they don’t always work and do come ...

Pitocin Induced Birth: Not Always What You Expect

I must admit. 99% of my life I am a strong supporter of natural birth. However, after four completely natural births, I elected to have a pitocin induced birth. There is just something about getting to 38 weeks in a pregnancy and carrying an eight pound baby on your bladder that makes a woman change ...