Articles for tag: John Glenn, National Zoo

Karla News

Holiday Light Displays in Northern Virginia

Bull Run Festival of Lights Centreville, VA Friday, November 30 through Monday, December 31 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM daily Monday – Thursday: $15/car; $25/van (15-34 people); $50/bus (35+ people) Friday – Sunday: $20/car; $30/van (15-34 people); $55/bus (35+ people) The Bull Run Festival of Lights is the area’s only drive-through holiday light show. Held ...

Karla News

Free Summer Concerts in Washington, D. C.

For people who have ever lived through even one summer in Washington,. D. C. it can seem something short of a miracle that large numbers of Americans chose to forget about the high heat and humidity and make the nation’s capital their summer vacation destination. Of course, despite the heat, there is lots to see ...

Karla News

Top 5 Kid-Friendly Adventures in the Washington DC Metro Region

Washington, DC is home to historical landmarks, museums, cultural centers, and more. But, not every destination in the National Capital Region is kid-friendly. Some landmarks are downright boring to the under-5 set. Others will make your teens and ‘tweens run for the car. Other Washington, DC metro attractions score high marks with the young ones ...

Karla News

Free Tourist Attractions in Washington, D.C

Summertime in Washington, D.C. usually brings out tourist from different parts of this country and other countries too. If you are a tourist or even a person who lives in or near the city, there are quite a few tourist attractions that you can see for free. Here is my list of free tourist attractions ...

Karla News

Anaconda 1997 Review

As if real, large snakes were frightening enough, now there are sets of movies about giant snakes that have a hunger for human flesh, in a seemingly unnatural way. It wasn’t enough that the movies series Jaws scared people out of the water for years, but now viewers have new creatures to worry about eating ...