Articles for tag: Detoxing, National Institutes of Health, Withdrawal Symptoms

Karla News

How to Kick a Heroin Habit at Home

While there are a plethora of treatment programs that heroin addicts can attend to help them detox from heroin, many forgo the process because they’ve tried it before with little success or they don’t have the resources to go into treatment. Others prefer the solitary experience because they don’t want others to know about their ...

Karla News

Ten Herbs to Treat Menopause

According to the National Institutes of Health, the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat menopause brings with it an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke. As an alternative, many women have turned to herbs, with surprisingly positive results. Menopause, during which the female body ceases having periods, is often characterized ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient most substantially acquired from sunlight. The body requires five to 15 micrograms of vitamin D per day, though the optimal intake is between 25 and 50 micrograms per day. Overdosing on vitamin D is very rare because it is available in a fairly small number of sources, but it ...

Karla News

Symptoms of Entamoeba Histolytica (Amebiasis)

Entamoeba histolytica is a single-celled parasite responsible for an infectious disease called amebiasis. So named because of the single-celled organism that causes it, amebiasis is a digestive condition that in severe cases becomes amebic dysentery. According to the National Institutes of Health, 90 percent of people who contract amebiasis experience no symptoms and many people ...

Karla News

Causes of Breast Calcifications

Breast calcifications are small buildups of calcium in the breasts. In mammograms, they are identifiable as white spots on the x-ray image. Breast calcifications are usually harmless benign deposits, but depending on their characteristics they can also be indicative of breast cancer and a few other conditions. Per the Mayo Clinic, cancerous growths are generally ...

Karla News

Treatments for Leukopenia

A low white blood cell count, also known as leukopenia, can be a serious symptom of a number of medical conditions and a side effect of certain treatments. White blood cells are one of the body’s primary defense mechanisms, fighting off foreign invaders like germs and infections. Treatment for leukopenia is important because with a ...

Folic Acid is Good but Too Much is Bad

Folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, has been added to our food supply since 1988 to reduce deficiency in pregnant women to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in their babies and to help block the effects of bisphenol A. Pregnant women are now bombarded with folic acid in supplements, prenatal vitamins and ...