Articles for tag: Acrylic Nails, Beautiful Nails, Nail Biting, Nail Growth

Karla News

Fingernails: From Bitten to Beautiful

Nail biting is a habit that is often embarrassing and unsanitary. However, having an addiction to biting one’s nails can be a difficult habit to break as fingernails are readily available at all times. Replacing this compulsive habit with the use of these products can not only stop nail biting, but will have your nails ...

Karla News

Seven Ways to Stop Biting Your Nails

Having jagged, bitten-down nails can be pretty embarrassing. And biting your nails is unsanitary. When you put your fingers in your mouth, you’re putting all the germs and bacteria you’ve picked up from the things you’ve touched in your mouth too. Biting your nails can be a hard habit to break. But I finally managed ...

Karla News

Break the Habit: Stop Nail Biting

A bad habit that affects people of all ages is nail biting. Nail biting is commonly used to cope with stress or excitement. People often bite their nails out of boredom as well. This habit is a common nervous habit for many people. Many people bite their nail without even realizing they are doing it. ...

Karla News

Tips to Stop Biting Your Nails

No matter if you are male or female, young or old, biting your fingernails is a nasty habit. Unfortunately, for many people, breaking this habit is also quite difficult. In fact, many people go years without being able to break this habit. While biting your nails may just seem like an unsightly practice, it can ...

Karla News

How to Break the Finger Nail Biting Habit

Everyone has habits that either annoy themselves or annoy the people around them. This habit can range from smoking to chewing with one’s mouth open. A habit that some of the people do without consisously knowing that they are doing it is biting their finger nails. Biting one’s fingernails is not a habit that endangers ...

Karla News

Kudos to Spike’s Blue Mountain State

The show Blue Mountain State on Spike TV is one of my guilty pleasures. Having just finished its third season, the show features the college-age hijinks of the Blue Mountain State football team, the nationally-ranked Goats. The Division 1 powerhouse is known for its record-setting coach, supported by his outspoken ex-wife (played by Denise Richards, ...

Karla News

Five Most Common Bad Habits and What They REALLY Mean

The New Year brings with it all sorts of Resolutions, one of many being to finally exorcise away bad habits. Everyone in the world has a bad habit that they are not willing to admit to. Some habits like smoking or excessive drinking are wildly popular-so popular that even though all the ramifications have been ...