Articles for tag: Multicultural Education, Pluralism, Preschool Programs

Karla News

History and Overview of the Head Start Program

Stimulated in part by the civil rights movement of the 1960s, compensatory education sought to compensate for disadvantage background of improve the performance of low-achieving students, particularly those from low-income families. Compensatory education was funded largely by the federal government, although some states and local school districts also set aside funds for this purpose. The ...

Karla News

Cultural Diversity in the Nursing Profession

The population of the U.S. has more than tripled in the twentieth century. More than half of the population increase is that of culturally diverse groups. Racism is still a very real reality for minority nurses. This is partially due to the over 90% white female nursing population. Prejudice in nursing still exists and is ...

Karla News

Developing Multicultural Awareness in the Classroom

Families have emphasized and put into their children’s mind the importance of the school in their lives. It is an institution that the families hope will develop their children into the mature responsible, independent and one day contributing adults to their families and society, and schools have done their best to help them be that. ...

Karla News

“Ideology and Curriculum, Second Edition”

“Ideology and Curriculum, Second Edition” was written by Michael W. Apple. This book is a second writing on the pretense that within the world we live, education is caught up in the shifting and unequal power relations. The theories, policies, and practices involved in education are not technical. They are inherently ethical and political, and ...

Karla News

Multicultural Curriculum in Today’s Classrooms

It is time for a change everyone! When you look around, does everyone look alike? What about language, traditions, holidays, wardrobe, food, and religion? Does everyone fit into some set category? In most instances, if you were to poll the shoppers at your local grocery store about their culture, you would quickly realize that the ...

The Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson

The Mis-Education of the Negro stands as one of the most essential texts of the African American experience. Within its pages are the lessons of a people “mis-educated” to think they are inferior based solely on the color of their skin. The aftermath is one of confusion in which the African American unsuccessfully mimics the ...